18 sept. 2023 09.18
Six strong moving offspring of For Dance and Vivaldos can be found in the auction lot of the 100th Oldenburg Elite Auction. The auction will take place on Sunday, 1st of October 2023 from 14:00 in Ankum.
Catalogue number 2
For Dance - Sergio Rossi - Wolkentanz II
181 cm | Dark bay | Gelding | *30.04.2018
Breeder: Egon Wichmann, Edewecht
Exhibitor: Gerd Sosath, Lemwerder
Catalogue number 24
Vei du mei
Vivaldos - Detroit - Sandro Hit
black | colt | *05.06.2023
Breeder and exhibitor: ZG Katrin & Ralph Petereit, Göldenitz
Catalogue number 25
Vivaldos - Desperado - Fürstenball
dark chestnut | mare | *11.06.2023
Breeder and exhibitor: ZG Holthausen GbR, Steinfeld
Catalogue number 49
Vivaldos - Ampère - De Niro
169 cm | Bay | Mare | *29.02.2020
Breeder: Gerd Sosath, Lemwerder
Exhibitor: Bodo Willms, Oldenburg
Catalogue number 51
For Dance - Rascalino - Don Frederico
176 cm | Bay | Gelding | *23.01.2018
Breeder and exhibitor: Heinrich Giesselmann, Barver
Catalogue number 61
Foreign Affair
For Dance - Stedinger - Quattro B
170 cm | Bay | Mare | *24.04.2020
Breeder: Bernd & Eckart Gerdes, Emden
Exhibitor: Matias Camacho, Dörverden
Photos: OLD-Art